Charles Doerr - KO6ANB

Passed Technician on July 8, 2023, call sign granted July 11, 2023

Say hi to Charles!  Kilo Oscar Six Alpha November Bravo

He contacted our club by email on February 24, 2022, wishing to join and asking for some help studying the Technician license.  

I agreed to help him with this project, and we committed to meeting once a week, usually Mondays so he could participate on the Donut Net by 3rd party.  If you have attended the Donut Net, in the past year, you probably heard him join in and get to know each of us on the radio.  When it was possible, Charles would attend our club meetings and got to meet several of us in person.

MORE THAN ONE YEAR LATER... After much study, lots of hard work, flash cards and coaching, and dozens of practice tests, Charles passed his Technician exam.    Now he doesn't have to use my call sign to join, he just needs to memorize his own, plus everybody else he wishes to talk to.

Good work Charles.  You worked hard and achieved your goal.

-Jon  KK6VLO

(Charles took one day off studying, then began the course material for the General exam)