Field Day 2023

Setup June 23                  Operations June 24-25

This is the sign up sheet for Field Day volunteers.  We need a few more people on Friday to help with the equipment and setup tasks as this work includes some physical labor hauling equipment out of the storage shed, driving stakes into the ground, hoisting antennas onto the mast, turning wrenches, pulling cables, and carefully working with the team to setup two or three large antennas.  For those who are experienced with our equipment, they will be giving installation instructions and guidance for where and how the equipment is installed.  None of this is extremely hard, but the items are very tall, some of it is heavy, and we need to work together to make sure it's done right.  And safe.

If you can commit to a day or a block of hours on a given day, please send an email stating the day and times you will be present.  When field day is in operation, we must be present to run the radios and greet guests and visitors who are curious about the operations.  Santee shops and restaurants are very close and you are welcome take a break for a few hours.  The evening hours will be lightly attended, but the event runs through the night.  Stay up as late as you want, but we must have at least two club members stay on the premises through the evening.  

Email your signup information to
Be sure to include the day, and the hours you will commit to volunteering.

If you cannot commit to a volunteer schedule, please come when you can and lend a hand.  Your participation on Saturday is helpful to greet guests and introduce people to Amateur Radio, help hams get on the air, show newbies how to call and respond and enter logs.  Please come when you can for as long as you can, make new friends, say hi to old friends, and share a radio weekend with others.  Wear your club name tag or any name tag so we can get to know you better.

Prep Work:

Purchase food and fuel.  Assemble consumable supplies for the weekend event.

Stage necessary antennas and radio equipment.  Make repairs or adjustments.

Contact KECR radio station and our friends in Jamul storing the tower trailer.  

Contact PWD and confirm site usage

Friday:  June 23

Meet at “The Shed” at 11am and collect the necessary equipment and the utility trailer

Three people and a vehicle to tow the utility trailer

Two people and a vehicle to tow the tower trailer from Jamul storage.

Drive to In-N-Out for burgers, then to Padre Water District (Santee Lakes) and begin setup

Setup and test all equipment, radios, antennas, computers, food, canopies, porta-potty delivery

Five people or more to setup.  Some heavy lifting and tools are involved.

Stay overnight with the equipment.  Gate code for PWD after hours.

Need two people to be on-site overnight, but you can do this in shifts.

Saturday: June 24

11am  Start of Field Day Event.   PWD gate will be open 

One or two people to welcome guests and help with operating radio equipment.

BBQ lunch  and drinks will be provided 

BBQ dinner and drinks will be provided

Two people to manage or monitor food preparation, run the BBQ grill

PWD gate will close after hours

Need at least two people to be on-site overnight.  Operating the radios overnight or volunteers monitoring the equipment in shifts is preferred.

Sunday: June 25

PWD gate will be open

Breakfast for volunteers, and those who stayed overnight

11am End of Field Day Event

Teardown and clean up

Return equipment to “The Shed” and tower trailer to storage.

We usually have everything put away before 2 or 3pm on Sunday.